Illustrate Personal Besties With Goat Horoscopes For Your Calendar Year

year of the goat

The year of the goat is an extremely important and meaningful time for many people all over the world. The goat is the seventh of the twelve-year cycle of seasonal animals that appear on the Chinese horoscope related to the Chinese lunar calendar. This is also known as the " Lunar Calendar." The animal has been a significant symbol in Chinese culture for thousands of years, even pre-dating traditional Feng Shui practice by several centuries.

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Traditionally, the Chinese year of the goat has been known as the seventh year of the Dragon and it falls between November and December. The very popular Autumn Festival makes this the most heavily traveled time throughout the whole year, with millions travelling to and from areas such as Beijing to attend the numerous celebrations that take place. In this way, the goat's name literally translates as "Loving Ones," because of the many offerings that are made to the festival. The fact that this particular festival falls in the middle of the winter solstice makes it even more significant to those who follow traditional Feng Shui practices, because it symbolizes the triumph of the positive over the negative.


When this festival of the goat first came into existence, people thought that the Druids had come back with their cattle and spread them all over the countryside to make it difficult for the poor to find food. However, when the festivities ended, it was discovered that the herds had multiplied, and this led to increased farming and booming fortunes for those who were born at that time. The exact year of the birth of each person is not exactly known, but it is believed to be betweennatal twins. Those who are born in the late part of the cycle, or during the Autumn Period, are considered to be of strong genetic aptitude for the task of tending to the flock. Thus, those born in the ninth year of the Lunar Calendar are known as being the Sheep of the Year, while those born in the twenty-first year of the lunar cycle are known as the Goat of the Year.

Illustrate Personal Besties With Goat Horoscopes For Your Calendar Year


According to traditional lore, a cow and a water goat met in prehistoric times and became the first pair of partners, forming a marriage together, which eventually became a sign of prosperity for the tribe they came from. Their children grew up to be stall-keepers, hunters, and servants for the people. When the people in the village began to prosper and had children of their own, the elders decided that it was time for a symbol to be born to recognize the new order in their midst. The locals came up with the idea of decorating a small grass hut with an offering of raw flesh and blood, which they named the "Fire Goat" in honor of their spiritual leader.

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While the story of the Fire Goat is colorful and interesting, one does not have to be a member of the tribe to appreciate the wisdom behind the representation. By displaying the metal goat on a silver tray, which represents the elements of earth and fire and by presenting it to guests as a gift, you can help them develop their own personal philosophy or spiritual beliefs. For instance, if you want them to understand the concepts behind reincarnation, the symbol of the earth and fire goat is a perfect way to explain the concepts in a manner they can understand. If you want your guests to develop an appreciation for the value of money, you can also present the metal goat with its fair share of it.


The goat personality is closely associated with the zodiac sign. In fact, the ancient Egyptians revered the goat as their symbol, as it was associated with the cycle of life and death. In addition to the zodiac sign, the goat is also associated with such animals as the horse, ox, monkey, dog, and cat. Depending on the placement of these animals on your personal sign, you can assign meaning to your personal possessions and relationships. For example, the goat is usually associated with the fifth house, which represents property and finances. Because it is the representative of material possessions, money is also associated with this position in your chart.


The characteristics of the rabbit are almost the same as that of the ox; however, they have slightly different traits. According to astrology, rabbits are always associated with chocolates, and l'otto with death and the number seven. They are also associated with water, since rabbits enjoy eating frogs. However, they are often depicted with a beautiful woman, sometimes representing the queen of the zodiac. Like the ox and the rabbit, the characteristics of the rabbit are also based on the properties of water and the element of joy.


The characteristics of goats can be very meaningful to both the Chinese calendar and your personal life, as long as you place them in the correct positions. For example, according to Chinese astrology, the goat is most likely to appear in the ninth month of the new year, representing prosperity and joy. This is also the time that you need to invest money wisely, so that it does not run out before the New Year ends. According to tradition, the seventh month of the Chinese calendar represents the spirit and the moon, which gives birth to new animals, including the sheep, the ox, the tiger, and the monkey. By adding the attributes of the goat, such as prosperity, joy, and the intelligence of a thinking creature to your personal traits, you will be able to find the perfect emblem for you, and use it in your business, profession, and every aspect of your life.

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